Crystal Knowledge


The Bigger the Crystal the Better?

When first encountering crystals, customers might think, "The bigger the crystal, the better!"To some extent, this is correct. The larger the crystal, the stronger the energy it possesses. However, size alone does not determine the quality. The quality of the crystal also plays a crucial role; higher quality means better energy.

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Different Professions and their Related Crystals

Choosing the right crystal for your profession can significantly impact your success and well-being. Each crystal has unique properties that can enhance various aspects of your professional life, from boosting your confidence and communication skills to protecting you from negative energies. In this guide, we will explore the best crystals for different professions and how they can help you achieve your career goals and maintain a balanced, positive energy.

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5 Ways to Boost the Energy of my Crystals

Why do the effects of crystals vary for different people? Besides the fact that each person's physical constitution is different, it might also be because some people haven't activated the potential of the crystals, unleashing their full energy. Want to know how to maximize the effects of crystals? The following 5 points can help you.

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Do crystals need to be consecrated

Many customers ask when buying crystals, "Do crystals need to be consecrated?" Actually, "consecration" is a ceremony used to declare an object as sacred, typically used in Buddhist rituals, and does not apply to crystal products.

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Crystals that Improve your Health

Most people know that crystals can help improve health. But do you know that different crystals can enhance the health of different parts of the body?

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How To Choose Your Crystals

Many people find the vast variety of crystals overwhelming and unique, making it difficult to choose the right one. Here are some general methods for selecting the most suitable crystal for yourself.

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Crystals that help Boost Your Efficiency

Have you noticed that it often takes you more time to complete tasks compared to others? This might be due to a lack of concentration. If you want to improve your concentration at work or help your child focus better while studying, place an amethyst ball on the left side of your desk...

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What to do if I have headache wearing crystals?

First of all, it’s important to note that this situation is very rare, occurring in perhaps one out of 100 people, so there’s no need to worry. If you experience dizziness while wearing crystals, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are not suitable for you. They might be helping to adjust your body condition.

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7 Chakras And their corresponding Crystals

Crystals are closely linked to the seven chakras of the human body. Different crystals can help unblock different chakras, promoting better health and increased energy.

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How to Grade different Crystals?

There are many stores selling crystals that often rate them with grades such as 3A, 4A, 5A, etc. Do these crystal grades really exist?

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Star of David and Crystal Seven Star Array

Star of David, holds significant meaning in various cultures. Symbolizing the connection between human spirituality and the universe. The Seven Star Array plays a vital role in the use of crystals. It involves placing six crystal pillars or spheres in the formation of the "Star of David," with an additional, larger crystal pillar or sphere in the center to form a star shape.

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Boosting Fertility with Crystals

Are you planning to have a baby or have tried various methods without success? Here are some crystals that can help you.

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