
How to Grade different Crystals?

There are many stores selling crystals that often rate them with grades such as 3A, 4A, 5A, etc.

Do these crystal grades really exist?

The answer is: "There is no international standard."

Initially, the crystal market did not have such grading systems. At that time, the awareness of crystals was low, and there was no concept of crystal aesthetics. People only considered clear quartz to be valuable, often used for making lenses. The quality of crystals was judged by their clarity and the absence of flaws. Therefore, the initial grading was only applied to clear quartz, with grades like 3A, 2A, A, AB, B, and C.

However, most crystals are evaluated based on more than just transparency. Factors such as clarity, mineral inclusions, impurities, color, ice cracks, and stone patterns are considered. Sometimes a crystal may be clear but lack minerals; other times, it may have many minerals but be cloudy, with varying degrees of cloudiness and mineral content. Therefore, a simple grading system using a number of A's is neither possible nor accurate for assessing crystal quality.

Each crystal store's grading system can vary greatly due to the lack of standards. A 5A grade crystal in one store might only be rated as 3A in another. Hence, using these grades as a purchasing standard is practically meaningless.

It's best to compare and judge the quality of crystals with your own eyes. In our stores, each type of crystal, especially bracelets, offers dozens of options. It's always best to come in person to compare and choose the crystal that suits you best.

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