
How to Properly Purify, Cleanse and Reset You Crystals

How to Cleanse and Purify Your Crystals

How to cleanse and purify your crystals is an important part of maintaining their maximum effectiveness. Essentially, everyone who owns crystals should know this. There are many methods for cleansing crystals, some of which are incorrect. Do you know the principles of purification and how to effectively cleanse your crystals?

Why Should Crystals Be Cleansed?

Crystals have a unique ability to absorb information and energy, allowing them to store the earth's energy over millions of years. This energy can affect our luck, health, and emotions. Because of this, different people may leave positive or negative energy in the crystals they touch. To avoid being influenced by unknown energies, crystal jewelry bought from stores must be demagnetized (also known as purified) before use.

Additionally, crystals absorb negative energy you emit. When they store a certain amount of negative energy, they can become dull and murky. Regularly cleansing your crystals removes this negative energy, keeping them shiny and ensuring they continue to emit positive energy and function effectively.

What Happens If You Don't Cleanse Your Crystals?

Crystals that are not regularly cleansed will accumulate negative energy, gradually blocking their original energy fields and effects. This can lead to the crystal permanently losing its effectiveness, a state some people refer to as the crystal "dying." This illustrates the importance of cleansing and purifying crystals.

The Principles of Purification

The principle of purification or demagnetization is to neutralize the negative energy within the crystal, transforming it into harmless energy. Few crystals can achieve this. Most crystals only absorb negative energy, transferring it to themselves, which contradicts the purpose of purification since the crystal absorbing the negative energy itself needs to be purified.

Methods of Purification

1. White Quartz Cluster Purification

Place your crystal on a white quartz cluster. The purification energy of the cluster helps remove impurities from the crystal and recharge it. This is a simple method for cleansing crystals. It is recommended to place your beloved crystal bracelets, pendants, and other jewelry on the cluster every night before bed.

2. Selenite Purification [Best Method]

First, place the selenite in water for a few hours to let it infuse the water with energy. Then, place the crystal to be cleansed in the water for about 10-30 minutes. The powerful energy of the selenite will cleanse and demagnetize the crystal. This method is suitable for both crystal decorations and jewelry. The duration depends on the size and quantity of the crystals.

This is the most commonly used method for cleansing by our store and is considered the most effective among all purification methods.

Other Methods to Help Crystals Self-Restore

The following methods allow the crystal to enter a state of rest and self-regulate its internal energy. Since it is a self-regulating process, it may be slower and less effective than the methods mentioned above. However, in the absence of tools, these methods are still quite useful.

1. Freezing Purification

Rinse the crystal with tap water or distilled water for a few minutes or soak it for about half an hour. Dry it, place it in a container, and then put it in the refrigerator for about six to seven hours. The low temperature, which is more suitable for crystal growth, allows the crystal to rest and self-recharge.

2. Earth Purification

If you have a garden at home, you can bury the crystal in the soil to let the earth's energy cleanse it.

3. Moonlight Purification

Place the crystal in a container and put it in a location where it can be exposed to moonlight, such as a balcony, windowsill, or garden. Note that the moon moves, and the area illuminated by moonlight will change. The best time is during the full moon and the days before and after when moonlight is most abundant. Adding pure water to the bowl containing the crystal will enhance the effect.

Methods Not Recommended

There are some cleansing methods commonly circulated that we do not recommend.

Not Recommended Method 1: Saltwater Cleansing

We strongly advise against using saltwater for cleansing, as it can negatively impact the crystal. Many crystals become damaged or turn frosted after being soaked in saltwater. Every year, many customers report that their crystals have changed appearance after using this method, so please be careful.

Not Recommended Method 2: Small Stone Cleansing

Although it is a common cleansing method, we do not recommend using small stones to cleanse crystals. Ordinary small stones do not have special cleansing properties. Sometimes, you might find that your crystal looks better after being cleansed with small stones, giving you the illusion of successful purification. In reality, clean small stones, being a type of crystal, will absorb negative energy from your crystal through osmosis until the energy levels of both stones are equal, at which point the process stops. This method does not completely remove the negative energy from the crystal. Additionally, the small stones that have absorbed half the negative energy cannot self-purify, rendering them ineffective after one use.

We hope the above information helps you.

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