
Crystal Bracelet is supposed to be Worn on Left or Right Hand?

Your crystal bracelet should be worn on the left hand or the right hand? What happens if you wear it on the wrong hand? It's actually very simple. Once you understand the function and principle of crystals, you'll know how to wear your crystal properly.


The principle of human bioenergy is "left in, right out." So, generally, crystals that provide positive energy should be worn on the left hand, while those that dispel negative energy should be worn on the right hand.

Crystals for the Left Hand

If your crystal works by radiating positive energy to change your body, fortune, and surrounding magnetic field, you should wear the crystal bracelet on your left hand to input the positive energy, maximizing the crystal's effect. To make it easy to remember, non-black crystals can be worn on the left hand.

Crystals for the Right Hand

If your crystal helps to expel negative energy, such as illness, bad luck, or negative emotions, you should wear the crystal bracelet on your right hand to maximize its effect. For example, black crystals like black obsidian, black tourmaline, and black rutile quartz can dispel negative energy and are therefore suitable for wearing on the right hand.

Additionally, crystals for emotional well-being, such as moonstone and aquamarine, can also be worn on the right hand to release negative emotions and reduce stress.

Health-related crystals can also be worn on the right hand to expel illness and relieve health issues. For example, Sugilite worn on the left hand can enhance immunity, but if suffering from a major illness, wearing it on the right hand can help absorb negative energy, which may turn the crystal bracelet black and dull, indicating it has absorbed your negative energy. In this case, you should cleanse the crystal more frequently.

Crystals that Can Be Worn on Both Hands

Crystals usually worn on the left hand can sometimes be worn on the right hand, depending on the situation, to help the crystal exert its energy. For example, rhodonite can be worn on the right hand during a date to attract the other person.

Some crystals have dual functions, such as kunzite, which can enhance relationships and relieve emotions. When you need to release emotions, wearing it on the right hand can help.

Additionally, crystals like hematite and meteorites can be worn on either hand.

What If You Wear It on the Wrong Hand?

Except for black crystals, the information above generally indicates better results when worn on the correct hand. Wearing it on the wrong hand simply means the crystal won't function optimally, and it won't have negative effects, so don't worry too much.

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