
How to Differentiate Genuine and Fake Crystal

There are many counterfeits on the market, whether in department stores, crystal shops, or night market stalls. It’s easy to mistake them for genuine items unless you have years of experience or are an expert. Let's explore how to identify genuine crystals:

1) In the absence of inclusions or ice cracks, place a hair under the crystal (easier with a larger crystal ball). If it refracts into two hairlines, it is not glass. However, this does not guarantee it is natural crystal; it could be synthetic crystal. Conversely, if there is no double refraction, it is certainly not natural crystal. This method distinguishes between crystal and glass. Colored natural crystals may not show double refraction clearly due to their hue.

* Synthetic clear quartz is usually flawless. If you want to avoid buying synthetic clear quartz, choose those with inclusions or ice cracks.

2) Use a magnifying glass under light. If you find bubbles, it’s fake, as natural crystals don’t have bubbles (except for Moldavite).

3) Choose crystals with natural crystal forms and inclusions. This is not the most reliable method but can help avoid many fakes, especially with crystals like rutilated quartz, green phantom quartz, and super seven, which have inclusions, natural cracks, clouds, and color changes. Don’t worry about natural imperfections!

4) Only natural crystals produce inverted images? No! Any transparent sphere, regardless of material, will show an inverted image when viewed from a distance of over 40 cm. Therefore, this method is not reliable for identifying natural crystals. Pay attention to this when buying natural crystal balls.

5) Thermal conductivity test: Adjust the thermal conductivity meter to green level 4 and test the gemstone. Natural crystal will rise to yellow level 2, while fake crystals will not rise. Diamonds will go to the highest level, with sapphires following.

6) Feel the temperature. Direct comparison is not accurate since crystals under light are warmer than glass from the refrigerator. Natural crystals have a deeper, cooler temperature. Placing a real crystal and a fake one on each side of your face can help you feel the difference.

The methods mentioned above are general guidelines. Different crystals have unique ways to determine authenticity. Therefore, choosing a reputable natural crystal shop is crucial when purchasing natural crystals.