Crystal Knowledge


Can Crystals be Touched by Others?

Yes, crystals can be touched. There is no problem in touching crystals themselves. However, lending your crystals to others for wearing is not advisable. This is because crystals have memory capabilities and will record the energy...

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How to Differentiate Genuine and Fake Crystal

There are many counterfeits on the market, whether in department stores, crystal shops, or night market stalls. It’s easy to mistake them for genuine items unless you have years of experience or are an expert. Let's explore how to identify genuine crystals:

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水晶球 VS 水晶柱

Crystal Ball V.S Crystal Tower

Do you often find yourself wondering whether to choose a crystal ball or a crystal tower? In this article, we'll introduce the differences between crystal balls and crystal towers.

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7 Treasures of Buddism

The Seven Treasures of Buddhism refer to seven kinds of precious items that embody the light and wisdom of the Buddhist Pure Land. They symbolize nobility, purity, resilience, serenity, health, and perfection, representing enlightenment and wisdom.

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Money Making Crystals' Overview

In today's society, December is generally a month that requires more cash flow. With several major holidays requiring gifts, and even if there is no gifting purpose, the atmosphere greatly enhances the desire to shop. At this time, have you ever thought about how great it would be if there were ways to boost your fortune and increase your income? While increasing income always requires personal effort, crystals might be able to help you grow your wealth.

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What is the "Flower of Life"?

Often, people discuss the "Flower of Life" and its energy. But what exactly is the "Flower of Life"?The "Flower of Life" is a sacred symbol and represents the source of the universe. It is an ancient symbol with infinite energy, embodying perfect proportions that symbolize the fundamental shapes and vibrations (frequencies) of the universe. It expresses the power of the origin and extension of life.

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【Make Friends Everywhere】Morganite's Origin and its Energy's Overview

Morganite's pinkish hue is highly attractive, and its effects are quite remarkable, making it a favorite among women. But did you know that the name Morganite comes from the banker J.P. Morgan, who was also a gem collector. To honor his financial support for the arts and sciences, his friend George Kunz named the pink beryl he discovered in 1910 after Morgan at a meeting of the New York Academy of Sciences.

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A Review of 5 Kinds of Love Crystals: Which one is the best or best suited for you?

Many people think that simply wearing a crystal with love-enhancing properties will bring them love or solve their relationship problems. However, each love crystal, such as rose quartz, moonstone, and rhodochrosite, has different effects, attracting different types of people and addressing various love issues. Understanding the unique characteristics of each crystal will help you choose the one that suits you best!

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辟邪水晶大比拼!黑曜石 V.S. 黑髮晶 V.S. 天鐵 V.S. 黑碧璽

Review the Best Crystals Against Evil & Negativity!

When it comes to crystals for warding off evil, which one comes to mind first? Obsidian, Black Rutilated Quartz, Tektite, and Black Tourmaline are the most popular choices. What are their differences in terms of effectiveness, and which one is the best fit for you?

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5 Kinds of Career Crystal You Should Know! And How to Maximize their Benefits

Crystals that enhance career luck are among the most sought-after. Many people know about Green Phantom Quartz and Golden Rutilated Quartz, but do you know the significant differences in their effects? How can you combine different crystals to create the most powerful combination and maximize their benefits?

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由不同大小的白水晶柱在同一塊水晶母體上形成的Crystal Cluster,也算是水晶擺設的表表者。具獨特的水晶原石外貌,一直深受所有人的喜愛。這篇文章會講及白晶簇的種類、消磁及擋煞的功效、如何選擇Crystal Cluster、及如何保養等等。
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How to Properly Purify, Cleanse and Reset You Crystals

How to cleanse and purify your crystals is an important part of maintaining their maximum effectiveness. Essentially, everyone who owns crystals should know this. There are many methods for cleansing crystals, some of which are incorrect. Do you know the principles of purification and how to effectively cleanse your crystals?

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