Crystal Knowledge


Crystals that Improve your Health

Most people know that crystals can help improve health. But do you know that different crystals can enhance the health of different parts of the body?

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What to do if I have headache wearing crystals?

First of all, it’s important to note that this situation is very rare, occurring in perhaps one out of 100 people, so there’s no need to worry. If you experience dizziness while wearing crystals, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are not suitable for you. They might be helping to adjust your body condition.

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7 Chakras And their corresponding Crystals

Crystals are closely linked to the seven chakras of the human body. Different crystals can help unblock different chakras, promoting better health and increased energy.

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Boosting Fertility with Crystals

Are you planning to have a baby or have tried various methods without success? Here are some crystals that can help you.

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Comprehensive Look at the Miraculous Benefit of Sugilite

Sugilite has a long history and is widely popular for its miraculous anti-cancer effects and various health benefits. As the availability of Sugilite decreases, its price continues to rise, yet this has not diminished the market's enthusiasm for it. Instead, it has become even more sought after. So, what makes Sugilite so magical? Let's find out.

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Comprehensive Guide to Hypersthene

In recent years, Hypersthene has gained popularity due to the phrase "not allowed in casinos." What exactly is Hypersthene? This article will break it down for you.

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