
What to do if I have headache wearing crystals?

First of all, it’s important to note that this situation is very rare, occurring in perhaps one out of 100 people, so there’s no need to worry.

If you experience dizziness while wearing crystals, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are not suitable for you. They might be helping to adjust your body condition.

You might need to gradually increase the wearing time, starting from 15 minutes a day, then one hour, and gradually to 3-4 hours, allowing your body to adapt slowly.

One customer shared their personal experience with us. The customer had an old injury in their arm, and when they first started wearing the bracelet, they felt a mild pain in the old injury. However, they persisted for two weeks, and eventually, the pain disappeared, and the old injury healed.

Everyone reacts differently to crystals. We recommend visiting our store to choose and inquire, and to feel the power of the crystals yourself.

If you want to know more, feel free to visit our store, email, WhatsApp, or Facebook inbox to inquire with us.

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