Gold Sheen Obsidian

Gold Sheen Obsidian is a common crystal. It is formed when volcanic lava cools and solidifies rapidly, creating a vitreous structure. Its crystallization time is short, and its mass is relatively light. Under light, the mineral distribution within Obsidian reveals hidden rainbow eyes of different colors within the stone, while Gold Sheen Obsidian reflects golden sand-like eyes.

Differences between Gold Sheen Obsidian and Obsidian

Gold Sheen Obsidian and Obsidian are very similar, with close effects. The main difference is that Gold Sheen Obsidian can refract golden light, which is generally brighter than Obsidian. It is said that the golden light of Gold Sheen Obsidian can attract wealth, but its effect on financial luck is far less than that of hair crystal, ammolite, or super seven crystals, which are specifically aimed at enhancing financial luck.

Popular Evil-Repelling Crystals

The most commonly heard of evil-repelling crystal is probably Obsidian, as feng shui programs on TV often recommend viewers to wear Obsidian. However, is the much-discussed Obsidian really the strongest in repelling evil? We can tell you directly that in terms of repelling evil, it is not the strongest. But if you are not already surrounded by bad energy, frequently staying in hotels due to business trips, or working in places with heavy negative energy (such as hospitals, nursing homes, funeral homes, etc.), Obsidian, although not providing the most comprehensive protection, is definitely a good choice.

Ghost-Repelling Amulet

Since ancient times, people have had the habit of wearing crystal jewelry as amulets. The principle is similar to using mosquito coils to repel mosquitoes. The energy emitted by these evil-repelling crystals can block negative energy from invading your body, serving the purpose of repelling evil and ensuring safety.

Why did my Obsidian or Gold Sheen Obsidian suddenly break in two?

When encountering strong evil energy or places with extremely heavy negative energy, there is a chance that Obsidian may develop cracks or even break due to being unable to bear the load. Many of our customers have experienced this situation, which to some extent can be considered a normal phenomenon. However, we recommend that if you encounter the same situation, immediately discard the broken crystal and replace it with a new evil-repelling crystal, preferably a stronger black hair crystal or even meteorite crystal for safety.

*If you feel you need the highest evil-repelling crystal after reading this article, please click <<Detailed Interpretation of Meteorite>>.

Can broken or shattered Obsidian/Gold Sheen Obsidian be reused?

If the elastic in your Obsidian bracelet breaks, first check if it is due to human factors. If the elastic has not been replaced for a long time or is often exposed to water, causing it to become old or moldy, simply restringing it will allow you to wear it again. However, if your Obsidian suddenly breaks or develops cracks, please do not use it again.

Pets also need to wear Obsidian/Gold Sheen Obsidian

The factors of encountering evil spirits are mostly due to weakened positive energy, poor luck, or physical weakness, leading to the invasion of evil energy, or it may be due to bad luck in that particular year. Humans can encounter evil spirits, and pets are no exception. If you notice your pet suddenly behaving strangely, it may be due to physical problems or the possibility of seeing spirits or being invaded by evil spirits.

Essential for Preventing Backstabbers

Where there are people, there will be gossip. Gossip among colleagues can be minor and entertaining, but it can also affect your career or promotion opportunities, or even lead to the risk of being fired.

Don't want to be affected by backstabbers in your company? Obsidian/Gold Sheen Obsidian is definitely your best choice! Obsidian/Gold Sheen Obsidian will dissolve negative energy, making backstabbers naturally disappear.

Can Obsidian and Gold Sheen Obsidian also prevent mistresses?

In addition to repelling evil and protecting the home, Obsidian/Gold Sheen Obsidian can also drive away backstabbers, and customers highly praise its ability to "drive away backstabbers." Additionally, foxes carved from Obsidian/Gold Sheen Obsidian can help you get rid of "rotten peach blossoms" and prevent mistresses.

Obsidian Fox

Corresponding to the Root Chakra in the Body's Seven Chakras

Obsidian and Gold Sheen Obsidian correspond to the Root Chakra, helping you to expel negative energy from your body. These stones can absorb the sickness and turbid energy from your body, improving physical weakness and making you healthier (so it is best to frequently demagnetize/purify Obsidian/Gold Sheen Obsidian to maintain its effectiveness). If you are experiencing bad luck, you can try wearing Obsidian/Gold Sheen Obsidian to expel bad energy and help improve your luck.

Prices of Obsidian and Gold Sheen Obsidian

The prices of Obsidian and Gold Sheen Obsidian are quite affordable. You can own top-quality pendants or bracelets for just a few hundred dollars.

How to Choose High-Quality Gold Sheen Obsidian?

Gold Sheen Obsidian's "eye" is golden, like a layer of golden sand.

Gold Sheen Obsidian with brighter golden sand is of higher quality.

Gold Obsidian Bracelet

How to Wear

The biggest feature of Obsidian and Gold Sheen Obsidian is their strong absorption ability, which can absorb some bad things and prevent negative energy from invading the body. According to energy science, the left hand is for intake, and the right hand is for expelling. Therefore, it is best to wear it on the right hand to expel negative energy from your body. As for placement, it is also best to place it on the left or right side.

Customer Success Stories

Resolved Legal Issues

“ Recently, I have been facing difficulties at work and with people, and even got into legal trouble. I had no knowledge of crystals, but once accompanied a friend to a crystal shop for purification. While chatting with the shop assistant, they recommended I buy a Gold Sheen Obsidian with a Gold Sheen Obsidian Pixiu and a root stone bracelet. After wearing it for about a week, my mood greatly improved, my colleagues' attitudes towards me changed, and the other party withdrew the lawsuit. I plan to buy another moonstone bracelet. Crystals really helped me improve my luck.”


Blocked Evil

“ This time I returned to the store to buy an Obsidian gourd for my son because the one he used to carry broke. The reason was that he and a group of classmates went cycling and passed by a cemetery. That day, except for my son, everyone else saw things they shouldn't have seen. When my son got home and opened his backpack, he found the entire gourd shattered. Thanks to Obsidian for blocking this disaster for him!”


Successfully Repelled Ghosts

“ Recently, my dog has been barking at the corner of the wall for no reason, continuously for a whole week, and also refusing to eat. Sometimes the dog food remains untouched for a whole day. I suspected my dog encountered evil spirits and saw dirty things, so I wanted to place something at home to repel ghosts and protect the house. I immediately bought a large Obsidian ball to place at home and a pendant to hang on my dog's collar. It really worked!”


Drove Away Backstabbers

“ It's amazing! After buying Gold Sheen Obsidian, the next morning when I arrived at the company, everyone seemed to have taken medicine and all kept quiet!”


“ Previously, my boss often targeted me, so I bought a green phantom hoping it would help me find a new job. Although I eventually decided to stay, I was promoted twice in the past six months. However, with the promotion came many envious colleagues, and I heard a lot of unpleasant gossip every day at work, which troubled me greatly. So I decided to buy an Obsidian ornament to place in the company. Within a month, the colleague who gossiped the most disappeared! (She was fired by the company) Crystals really helped me a lot!”


Blocked Unwanted Romantic Advances

“ Being pestered by someone you don't like is very troublesome. This time, it was my brother's best friend. Because we often see each other, I really didn't know how to handle it. I didn't want to make future meetings awkward. At first, he just called me with excuses, but later he went crazy and came to my workplace, pretending to pass by and pick me up. Sigh, it's really hard to refuse in such situations. Once, I went to a crystal shop in Causeway Bay and had a good chat with the sales assistant, so I told her about my big trouble. She advised me to wear an Obsidian fox pendant, and after a few weeks, he really stopped bothering me!”


Drove Away Mistress

“ Because of work, my husband often has to go to Shenzhen. He never used to stay overnight, but recently he has changed a lot. Once, he went on a business trip and didn't come back for a whole week. I called his colleagues, and they said the project in China had long been completed. I tried many ways to save our relationship, but none worked. I didn't dare to tell him I knew he had someone else there. As a woman with a child, I rely on him for living expenses, and I still love him. I don't want to lose him. A friend told me that they had successfully changed their luck by wearing crystals, so they took me to your store. The shop assistant recommended I buy an Obsidian fox to place by the bed and a small fox to hide in my husband's car. In the following months, he gradually went there less often, and last month he even apologized to me.”


23 result
Gold Sheen Obsidian Bracelet
RM275.00 MYR RM377.00 MYR
Gold Sheen Obsidian Pendulum
RM516.00 MYR RM707.00 MYR
sold out
Gold Sheen Obsidian Ring
RM747.00 MYR RM1,023.00 MYR
Gold Sheen Obsidian Pixiu
RM151.00 MYR RM207.00 MYR
sold out
Gold Sheen Obsidian Waterdrop Pendant
RM235.00 MYR RM322.00 MYR
Gold Sheen Obsidian Buddha Pendant
RM506.00 MYR RM693.00 MYR
Gold Sheen Obsidian Manjusri (Rabbit)
RM446.00 MYR RM611.00 MYR
Gold Sheen Obsidian
RM235.00 MYR RM322.00 MYR
Gold Sheen Obsidian Bracelet
From RM175.00 MYR RM240.00 MYR
High Quality Gold Sheen Obsidian Ball
From RM125.00 MYR RM171.00 MYR
sold out
Gold Sheen Obsidian Necklace
RM175.00 MYR RM240.00 MYR