Amber and Beeswax Amber

What are Amber and Beeswax Amber?

Amber is a fossilized resin formed from the resin of ancient coniferous trees through geological processes. It appears in irregular shapes, often polygonal, and comes in yellow or dark brown colors. In daily life, amber can be used for decorative collections and, in traditional Chinese medicine, as an ingredient in remedies.

Human interest in natural amber dates back a long time. British archaeologists have found amber in graves dating back over 12,000 years. Archaeologists have also discovered amber artifacts along the Baltic Sea coastlines.

When natural amber formed, it absorbed sunlight and rain. Unlike other fossils, it can encapsulate various aspects of its ecosystem, allowing us to glimpse the world from millions of years ago through it.

Differences Between Amber and Beeswax Amber

Amber and Beeswax Amber have similar physical and chemical compositions as fossilized resin. To distinguish them, some people refer to transparent resin as amber and opaque resin as Beeswax Amber. The waxy texture and honey-like color give Beeswax Amber its name. The transparency of amber is related to its succinic acid content, not its age: below 4% is transparent; 4-8% is cloudy and translucent; above 8% is opaque and frothy.

Formation Process of Amber and Beeswax Amber

The formation of natural amber can be summarized in three stages: resin > copal > amber. Tree resin, which is liquid and fragrant, oozes out and forms into drops that eventually harden into copal. When the tree dies, the copal becomes buried in soil and sediment, losing its volatility. Over millions of years, it fossilizes into amber. Many scientists believe that time is the most crucial factor in amber formation, requiring at least 2 to 10 million years for the fossilization process.


Refresh and Clear the Mind

For urban dwellers with high work pressure, amber has the effect of refreshing the mind and clearing thoughts, helping to enhance imagination and understanding.

Improve Sleep Quality

Amber can help relax the mind and improve sleep quality when worn long-term, naturally aiding in beauty. Its beautifying effects also release negative ions through body contact, enhancing blood circulation and keeping the skin hydrated.

Ingredient in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Amber aids digestion and helps alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. It promotes the activation of liver and kidney cells and, from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective, has calming, hemostatic, detoxifying, diuretic, lymphatic, and eye-improving effects.

Improve Blood Circulation

Amber contains etheric oils that can penetrate the skin to aid blood circulation, improving complexion and calming the mind.

One of the Seven Treasures of Buddhism

Amber is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism, containing the essence of millions of years of sunlight and moonlight, with powerful energy to ward off evil spirits. As it is worn or enshrined, its color deepens, and it becomes clearer, resonating with spiritual beliefs and storing faith energy, aiding in spiritual practice.

How to Wear Amber and Beeswax Amber

According to the principle of "left in, right out," wearing amber and Beeswax Amber on the left hand allows the energy to enter the body smoothly.

Care Instructions for Amber and Beeswax Amber

Amber and Beeswax Amber are fragile and have low hardness, so they should not be subjected to external impact. Avoid friction and scratches to prevent damage.

Store them separately and do not place them with sharp or hard jewelry like diamonds.

They are sensitive to strong acids and alkalis and dissolve easily in organic solvents. Avoid contact with alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, and other organic solvents.

Amber has a low melting point and can easily melt. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight or high temperatures, as excessive dryness can cause cracks.

The best way to care for amber and Beeswax Amber is to wear them frequently, as the body's natural oils can make them shinier over time.

Amber is prone to dehydration, and excessive dryness can cause cracks. When not in use, store it in an airtight plastic bag.

Customer Success Stories

"I used to have trouble sleeping and often had stomach problems. Since wearing blood amber, my sleep quality has improved, my circulation has increased, and my appetite and overall health have gotten better."

"Recently, I fell in love with wearing amber and Beeswax Amber bracelets. I've been interested in crystals for a long time, but I used to find amber and Beeswax Amber too old-fashioned. One day, I saw a blue amber bracelet and found it beautiful. I learned that blue amber could improve sleep quality, and it truly worked! For decades, I had poor sleep, but blue amber helped me overcome this severe problem and improved my overall health."

"I am a cancer survivor. During a recent follow-up, the doctor found a small tumor near my surgery site and suggested a biopsy a week later. After visiting a crystal store, the staff recommended a blood amber bracelet. A week later, the tumor was gone, so the biopsy was unnecessary. The blood amber boosted my immune system, helped detoxify my body, and improved my blood circulation, dissolving the tumor. I feel much better now."

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