
7 Treasures of Buddism

Do You Know What the Seven Treasures of Buddhism Are?

The Seven Treasures of Buddhism refer to seven kinds of precious items that embody the light and wisdom of the Buddhist Pure Land. They symbolize nobility, purity, resilience, serenity, health, and perfection, representing enlightenment and wisdom.

According to the Han Dynasty's "Infinite Life Sutra," the Seven Treasures (the seven most precious gemstones in the human world) are defined as:

Gold, Silver, Glaze, Crystal, Tridacna, Coral, Amber.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the Seven Treasures are:

Gold, Silver, Chalcedony, Beeswax, Tridacna, Pearl, Coral.

*Note: Different Buddhist scriptures have different interpretations of the Seven Treasures.

The five most widely recognized treasures are gold, silver, glaze, tridacna, and agate. The other two treasures are sometimes said to be amber and coral.

1. Gold

Gold represents health and wealth. Many Buddha statues are cast in gold, symbolizing protection, immunity to diseases, and longevity.

2. Silver

Silver symbolizes the light of Buddha. Wearing silver jewelry is believed to bring peace, disaster prevention, and calmness.

3. Amber

Amber, formed over millions of years, has the ability to ward off evil spirits and calm the soul.

4. Glaze or Aquamarine

Glaze and aquamarine were materials used exclusively by Chinese royalty. They purify the body and mind, enhance spiritual connection, and promote great wisdom.

5. Coral

Coral comes in red, white, and black. Formed over hundreds of years, it is highly valuable and believed to have the power to ward off evil, prevent disasters, and bring good luck.

6. Agate

Agate comes in various types and colors. The Dzi bead from Tibet is considered the finest type of agate, and its price can be very high. Agate promotes honesty and understanding between people, bringing happiness and harmony.

7. Tridacna

Tridacna is a white, jade-like substance from the giant clams in the ocean. It symbolizes purity of heart, disaster relief, and protection for descendants, offering peace and calm.

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