
5 Kinds of Career Crystal You Should Know! And How to Maximize their Benefits

Enhancing Career Luck with Crystals

Crystals that enhance career luck are among the most sought-after. Many people know about Green Phantom Quartz and Golden Rutilated Quartz, but do you know the significant differences in their effects? How can you combine different crystals to create the most powerful combination and maximize their benefits?

Green Phantom Quartz for Hard Work

Green Phantom Quartz is great for attracting work opportunities and helpful people. The greener it is, the more work opportunities you'll get, but also the busier you'll be. Therefore, it depends on your needs. For those who rely on a commission-based income or prefer to stay busy, greener Green Phantom Quartz is most beneficial. For those with a fixed income or who are already very busy, a stone with more red hues may be more suitable to attract helpful people to lighten your load.

Golden and Copper Rutilated Quartz for Authority

Rutilated Quartz, especially Golden Rutilated Quartz and Copper Rutilated Quartz, can greatly enhance your authority and presence, often referred to as charisma. This boosts your confidence, decisiveness, and leadership abilities, which is why Rutilated Quartz is also known as the "Leader's Stone." It is particularly useful for those looking to get promoted or manage subordinates effectively. Golden and Copper Rutilated Quartz are ideal for individuals who feel overwhelmed at work, helping you to assert yourself and shine.

An example: If you work in sales but lack clients, you should wear Green Phantom Quartz. If you have clients but struggle to close deals or get large orders, you should pair it with Golden or Copper Rutilated Quartz. These crystals have strong grounding abilities to help you seize every opportunity and close bigger deals.

Green Rutilated Quartz for Steady Success

Rutilated Quartz possesses an energy that helps break through the status quo. The energy of Green Rutilated Quartz is more stable and less stimulating than Golden Rutilated Quartz. It allows you to seek career breakthroughs steadily, such as promotions, pay raises, transfers to desirable departments, or job changes. It helps your career progress smoothly. When combined with the boosting power of Super Seven, promotions and raises are virtually guaranteed.

Super Seven for Overall Luck Enhancement

Super Seven boosts your luck, making everything you do more effective and efficient. Luck often involves external factors beyond your control, such as successfully applying for a transfer, favorable company policies, or receiving bonuses and promotions. Super Seven is also highly beneficial for wealth, especially for those in sales or investments. In addition to its inherent benefits, Super Seven can enhance the effects of other crystals when worn together.

You can combine these five types of crystals based on your needs to maximize their benefits. Generally, these three types of crystals can be worn together for the most comprehensive effects.

Customer Success Stories

"I work in construction, setting up booths at exhibitions, so the more orders I get, the more I earn. Recently, I had a slow period with almost no jobs for a month. I often pass by a crystal shop in Yau Ma Tei on my way home, and one day I decided to check it out. After explaining my situation to the staff, they recommended I try Green Phantom Quartz. I had never worn crystals before and didn't know their functions, but it wasn't expensive, so I decided to give it a try. Within five days of wearing it, my phone wouldn't stop ringing, and I'm booked solid until the end of next month!"

"The staff also told me to regularly cleanse my crystals, but I've been too busy and tired to do it. After two months, I finally went back to the shop for cleansing. This time, they recommended Super Seven, saying many customers who wear it end up working less but earning more. I was already satisfied with the effects of Green Phantom Quartz and found Super Seven quite expensive in comparison, so I didn't buy it then. My girlfriend often complained that I was always too tired to spend time with her, so six months later, I decided to buy Super Seven. I ended up getting promoted to foreman, and now I mostly supervise others. My income has increased, and I'm less stressed. Since buying these two crystals, I've never experienced another slow period."'

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