
What is the "Flower of Life"?

Often, people discuss the "Flower of Life" and its energy. But what exactly is the "Flower of Life"?

The "Flower of Life" is a sacred symbol and represents the source of the universe. It is an ancient symbol with infinite energy, embodying perfect proportions that symbolize the fundamental shapes and vibrations (frequencies) of the universe. It expresses the power of the origin and extension of life.

This symbol can be found in the architecture, temples, carvings, and drawings of various cultures around the world, even under the stone lions of the Forbidden City. Its fame comes from representing all the Platonic solids in three-dimensional geometry, which are the basic structures of crystals. Spiritually, it is considered the architectural blueprint of all life created by the divine, containing secrets about the origins of life and the states of consciousness. The "Flower of Life" has profound spiritual significance and, in terms of energy detection, transmits purification and transformational energy.

When you wear it, your body immediately resonates with the Earth's energy, enhancing the grounding effect. This can strengthen the body's energy vibrations, reducing the negative impact of electromagnetic waves that typically interfere with bodily functions.

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