
How To Choose Your Crystals

Many people find the vast variety of crystals overwhelming and unique, making it difficult to choose the right one. Here are some general methods for selecting the most suitable crystal for yourself.

 1. Determine the Desired Effect

The first step is to decide on the desired effect you are looking for. You can refer to a guide on crystal properties and narrow down your choices based on the effects you seek. Once you have a shortlist, you can start selecting according to your preferences.

2. Follow Your Intuition

Crystals have a spiritual quality. When you are choosing them, they are also choosing you. The right crystal will send you a signal and have a special attraction for you, commonly known as "eye affinity."

3. Eye Affinity

Eye affinity is crucial. When you stand in front of the crystals, notice which one makes you feel happy or leaves a strong impression. You will have a feeling that it belongs to you. If you get this feeling, you have likely found the right crystal.

4. Touch Affinity

If you don't get a strong feeling, rely on touch affinity. Try touching the crystals in front of you. Some people may feel heat, cold, or vibrations from the crystals. Choose based on your personal preference and how good it makes you feel. This method allows you to test your energy compatibility with the crystal, helping you make the best choice.


I hope the above information helps you in choosing the most suitable crystal for yourself.